Toni Tennille

Toni Tennille: A Memoir - coming soon!

Toni Tennille13 Comments

JUST GOT THE WORD TODAY THAT MY MEMOIR is now available for pre-order on Amazon!!! This just knocks my socks off. I have written many songs, and a couple of pretty big hits, but I have never written a book. I wrote the memoir with my niece, Caroline Tennille St. Clair. If you saw our Christmas special from 1976, you saw her as a six year old sitting on my lap as I sang Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas to her! She is a fine writer, and I simply could not and WOULD not have written this book without her. We have been working on it for a year and a half. Here is the scoop.....Caroline and I sent our final edit to the publisher, Rowman Littlefield, last week. We are now gathering the photos we want to include. I will be recording the audio book for Amazon's Audible Audio soon after the manuscript is finalized. Caroline and I are both very proud of the book, and I really think readers will enjoy it. Frankly, it was often hard to write.....there are a lot of funny and humorous episodes and stories, but I also had to go to some dark and difficult places in my memory too. My sisters Louisa, Melissa and Jane helped so much when I was trying to dredge up details of the past. Anyhow..although it IS available for pre-order, you won't get it until April even if you DO order it. But...just could be the FIRST person to order TONI TENNILLE - A MEMOIR!!!***

***Well....maybe not the FIRST anymore.  Looks like quite a few of my friends have already pre-ordered it!!!!

Until next time remember...Keep a Song of Joy Inside Your Heart!